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5 PPC Trends to Know in 2022

Digital advertiser Sean Johnston at Closed Loop states that, “companies like Apple and Google are beginning to restrict the usage of these means of tracking (pixels, tags and cookies) in the name of consumer privacy, we have to plan a future without them”.

With new restrictions to third-party data, it’s clear that privacy will be an important focus in the digital marketing world going into 2022. Need help utilising first-party data? Bobble Digital can help.

Revisit Your Ad Copy

Moving into a new year gives us all an opportunity to reflect on our successes and make improvements. In terms of PPC strategy, there are many benefits to revisiting your account’s ad copy.

Google Ads and Microsoft Ads are moving towards the responsive search ads (RSAs) format, meaning that regularly updated copy makes for the best possible performance. Google gives recommendations on improving headlines and more effective keywords, while Microsoft shows a performance label that rates your ad from “low”, “good” or “best”.

Performance labels fluctuate with the effectiveness of the ad, and I can already tell what you’re thinking – why not simply reproduce the best performing ads? Two or more ad elements can be “pinned”, such as your preferred call-to-action or other relevant messaging; however, Google tends to dislike ads that overuse pins.

If your ad campaign already uses RSAs, consider revisiting those ads and replacing “average” assets with “excellent” components. Alternatively, if your business doesn’t already use RSAs, digital marketers can assist in optimising your existing ad copy.


It’s important for businesses to work beyond the platforms they’re comfortable with and what better time to start than the new year? 2022 is calling for more diversification in PPC marketing, which means that marketers must work harder to use alternative platforms.

In the new year, diversification across multiple channels will be more crucial than ever. Alternative ad platforms including TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, LinkedIn and Pinterest have grown to be prolific in the advertisement world. Gone are the days of one-channel success stories as diverse ad platforms offer a profitable return.

Tik Tok is the fastest-growing social media platform and provides an opportunity for marketers to entertain and engage their audience with video ads. The social media giant recently went into partnership with Shopify, helping marketers advertise on the platform more easily. With over one billion active users worldwide, TikTok ad campaigns reach a huge audience.

Considering Google’s recent changes to their ad policy, brands should consider building other marketing channels like PR, SEO, affiliate and email marketing in order to protect their campaign. If your PPC strategy needs more diversification and you’re not sure where to start, contact Bobble Digital.

Following PPC Trends

With the constant evolution of PPC trends, paying attention to new concepts will ensure that your marketing strategy is successful. Whether it is a new concept or a strategy revision, PPC trends will continue to grow and build – so don’t get left behind!

At Bobble Digital, we make your PPC spend go further through a strategic approach, striving to deliver the best results for your business. We can bring your organisation up to speed with the most recent PPC trends, ensuring the best return on your investment.