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Cost of Living Digital Marketing
Is The Cost Of Living Impacting Digital Marketing?

In today’s competitive market, businesses are constantly working on new technical innovations to better meet the needs of the end consumer. Google Ads has recently added several new features to their platform. So, what are they and what benefits can they bring to businesses?

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Latest Google Perfomance Max Features Go Live
Latest Google Performance Max Features Go Live

In today’s competitive market, businesses are constantly working on new technical innovations to better meet the needs of the end consumer. Google Ads has recently added several new features to their platform. So, what are they and what benefits can they bring to businesses?

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cross post social media
Should You Cross Post on Social Media?

Quality content is key – from entertaining mini articles on Facebook and eye-catching imagery on Instagram to snappy short videos on TikTok and communicative microblogs on Twitter, your social media posts should reflect your story, attract your audience, and build your brand identity.

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preparing change google ads
Preparing for the Changes to Google Text Ads

Last year, Google announced that from June 30, 2022, users would be unable to create or edit expanded text ads in standard search campaigns. Posting on their website on August 31, 2021, the company stated that full control over responsive search, dynamic search, and call ads would remain the same.

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tik tok new trend report
TikTok Publishes New Trend Report: Tips and Tricks for Marketers

In our online age, marketers are accustomed to the ever-changing structures of our digital world. The way that we manage, communicate, and deliver our services is continually shaped by digital transformation. So, with the present advancement of artificial intelligence, how can digital marketers prepare for the tech revolution?

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Ai digital Marketing 1000x563 1
AI and Digital Transformation: The Future of Digital Marketing

In our online age, marketers are accustomed to the ever-changing structures of our digital world. The way that we manage, communicate, and deliver our services is continually shaped by digital transformation. So, with the present advancement of artificial intelligence, how can digital marketers prepare for the tech revolution?

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AI business 1000x563 1
AI and Digital Transformation: The Future of Business

Artificial Intelligence is at the centre of the ongoing tech revolution – but can we predict future developments in digital transformation? For many of us, the term “AI” evokes apocalyptic visions of robots and world domination; in reality, AI is already being implemented in businesses across the world.

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ppc 2022 1132x637 1
5 PPC Trends to Know in 2022

When conducting a search on Google and other search engines, have you ever noticed advertisements alongside your results? If you have, you’re already familiar with pay-per-click advertising. PPC is a model of internet marketing in which advertisers accrue costs when users click their ads.

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TikTok for B2B Marketing 1132x637 1
Why You Should Use TikTok for B2B Marketing

Social media platforms can quickly fall in and out of fashion, but one which seems to have staying power is TikTok. With over two billion active users across the globe, it’s quickly become the go-to for creating and sharing entertaining video content.

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google serp blog
Why is Google rewriting your title tag for your website in the SERPs

In the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), nothing is ever static and changes are always being made. A recent change that has caught our attention is Google has started rewriting SEO title tags in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). In this blog we’ll investigate the reasons behind it and what this could mean for SEO in your business.

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2nd August Why SEO and accessibility go hand in hand
Why SEO and accessibility go hand in hand

In 2021, website accessibility and digital inclusion aren’t things you can ignore. The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated reliance on technology across the board. More people are working and shopping online than ever before. Your web presence must be accessible for all.

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Apple iOS 14.5 launch and privacy changes

The latest software from Apple, iOS 14 launched in September 2020, but it wasn’t until April this year that one of the biggest changes to the operating system was introduced. iOS 14.5 was released on 26th April 2021 and has been causing controversy and debate in the digital world.

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26 April The importance of visuals in digital marketing
The importance of visuals in digital marketing

They say you should never judge a book by its cover. But let’s face it, we often do. While the sentiment should be applied to some aspects of life, this adage doesn’t apply to your digital marketing. When putting together a campaign, you need to be thinking about how your brand is coming across visually to your target audience.

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12 April The importance of creating authentic content
The importance of creating authentic content

Trust between your customer and your brand is something that’s earned. It’s relatively easy to get your content to a larger audience with paid ads and promotions, but this is just one piece of the puzzle. 

The average person is constantly bombarded with marketing and advertising and people have become naturals at tuning out the noise. This is why your business needs to be working hard to be heard. To do so, your content needs to be authentic. 

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Core web Vitals
Core Web Vitals: What they are and why they’re important

Back in early 2020, Google announced the introduction of updates to its Page Experience ranking algorithm. As a result of COVID-19, Google delayed the updates until May 2021 to give people a chance to prepare. As May draws closer, it’s not too late to start taking steps towards improving your ranking by looking at the performance of your website. 

In this week’s blog we talk about the updates, what they mean and what you can do to get prepared. The more you do, the better placed your website will be.

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Answering the SEO
Answering the SEO questions you never knew you had

SEO. Those three letters might make you run for the hills. Many understand the basic principles of SEO, but it’s an ever-changing landscape. Search engine optimisation is a vital part of developing your web presence. It needs to be done right and maintained regularly. 

There’s two sides of the SEO coin. One is knowing what people are looking for; the type of content they’re happy to consume and the questions they’re asking. The other side is delivering the content in a way that search engine crawlers can find. You want people to your brand, product or service when using a search engine. 

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short vs Long
Short-form vs long-form -which is right for your business?

There’s been much debate about whether short-form or long-form video works best. Or if longer form content is better or worse than shorter blogs and snappy social media posts. The real answer is that both work well. It depends entirely on what you’re trying to achieve with your campaign. 

Short-form and long-form video both have a place in a successful digital marketing strategy. Knowing which one to use and when is what’s important. Content with context is the key here.

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2021 The future of influencer marketing after Covid 19
The future of influencer marketing after COVID – 19

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have found themselves stuck at home with a lot more time on their hands.

In this week’s blog, we take a look at the rise of influencer marketing, and what we think it’s going to look like in the post-pandemic world. As a heads-up, our guess is you’re about to see a lot more ‘influence’ on your social feeds

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valentines day
Valentine’s Day: it’s not us, it’s you

From inventive to inappropriate; over the years, we’ve seen all sorts of campaigns in the run up to February 14th. Having made it through 2020, we’re still battling our way through the pandemic well into 2021. As a result, it’s no surprise that for many of us, Cupid is the last thing on our minds. Frankly, many people don’t feel the pull of Valentine’s Day any year, and brands are starting to catch on to this.

Are consumers on the verge of breaking up with Valentine’s Day? Our favourite campaign this year would suggest that at the very least, behaviours are changing and brands are adjusting.

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podcast phenomenon
How have podcasts become such a phenomenon?

Cristiano Ronaldo was making his Manchester United debut, Steve Jobs was launching iTunes, and Beyoncé was crazy in love. 2003 seems like a lifetime ago now. It was in October of that year that Matt Schichter launched his weekly chat show The BackStage Pass. The show was recorded live and transcoded to 16kbit/s audio for dial-up online streaming. This is widely recognised as the very first podcast.

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2021 for retailers
How is 2021 going to be different for retailers?

If your 2020 was largely spent answering the door to the delivery driver, you’re not alone.  Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, e-commerce had no choice but to solidify itself into our public consciousness. Just a few clicks and your new ping pong and/or loungewear would be in your lap in a matter of days, and sometimes, hours.

With high streets that were already struggling before the lockdowns, how will 2021 look for traditional retailers? And to channel Cher, can they turn back time and survive?

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user generated content
Why you should be encouraging user-generated content

Marketers are always trying to come up with the next big thing; the thing that’s going to turn heads and ultimately turn interest and curiosity into real, profitable purchases. Well, one of the oldest tricks in the book is about to get an overhaul. Community-led content (content created by your customers and audience) is back on the agenda.

From tried and tested testimonials to your customers uploading organic content to your social media accounts; the brand-building power that lies in the hands of your customers isn’t to be underestimated.

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social platforms 2021
What are social media platforms doing differently this year?

Social media. The online sensation that’s been gripping the nation for nearly 25 years. It’s hard to find many people without some sort of online profile, particularly since the pandemic. And even if you don’t have a profile, you’ve probably taken part in a relative’s latest Tik-Tok, or had a ridiculous filter put on you courtesy of a child’s Snapchat. It’s pretty hard to steer completely clear.  

As we’re here at the start line of a brand-new year, we wanted to take a look at what the major platforms are planning…

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advertising in 2021
How are businesses going to be advertising in 2021?

So many things changed last year. We couldn’t go to the pub with our mates, FOFYM (fear of forgetting your mask) became real, and coughing in public is now a surefire way to gain pariah status.   

But what about advertising? What’s important to consumers has changed a lot. The way they expect to experience and consume content has also shifted. In the beginning, there was print. Then there was TV advertising. Now? Well, the possibilities feel kind of endless.

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digital round up of 2020
Bobble Digital – a round up of 2020

This week, I’m taking the reins and writing this week’s blog. It’s been quite a year here at Bobble Digital. So much has happened that I don’t really know where to start (I bet the Queen’s having the same problem writing her speech – I feel her pain I really do).

This year has been a whirlwind for me. Both personally and professionally. I’d like to share some of the things that have made 2020 a year like no other. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.

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2020 in review
2020: The gift that kept on giving

Pinch us. Is this real? We actually made it to the end of 2020. Between a global pandemic, various lockdowns and Brexit (not to mention Megxit), it’s safe to say a few people had their doubts as to whether we’d actually reach this point.

But here we are. Older, wiser, and ready for anything. With so many challenges faced by so many in 2020, we wanted to take a minute to appreciate some of the good things that came out of  a year like no other…

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digital trends in 2021
Digital trends of 2021. What will they be?

Whilst we might have only just started on the mince pies here at Bobble Digital, 2021 is at the forefront of our minds. As digital marketers, we’re already looking at the things we can do to help our clients get to where they want to go in the new year.  

I don’t think any of us are under the illusion that come the stroke of midnight on January 1st the world is suddenly going to go back to normal, but that doesn’t mean we should stop striving to stay ahead of the curve.

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We are proud to be partners of Rainforest Trust UK

We all know that the environment needs our help and there are many ways to get involved in protecting and saving our planet. This year, we’ve done our research and partnered up with an incredible organisation who are truly making a difference. So, here’s what we’ve been up to.

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covid digital trends 2020
How has COVID impacted digital trends in 2020?

Well, 2020 certainly is a year we’ll never forget, despite the fact that we might really want to. However, has it been all bad? Or have there been some positives to take away?

Never ones to be deterred by negativity, here at Bobble Digital we’ve been intrigued to see the impact it’s had on the digital landscape. How has it changed? Have trends and cultures been altered for good? Some of the creativity and innovation has been seriously outstanding – we doff our caps.

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covid christmas blog
Simply having a COVID Christmas time

Well, here we are. Almost nine months on since BoJo announced the first national lockdown, we’re (hopefully) coming to the end of another month indoors. The question on everyone’s lips is how is all of this going to impact on Christmas?   
Quite frankly, 2020 isn’t what we ordered. The consequences of COVID-19 have been widespread. But what does it mean for ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ from a digital perspective?

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why you should be blogging
Why you should be blogging

A blog about blogging might feel a little bit meta – ‘a blog within a blog’. But stick with us. Blogs are a golden nugget when it comes to raising the awareness of your brand online.
While not everyone will feel as though they’re some sort of modern-day Shakespeare, there’s a lot of value in sitting down and pulling ideas together of things your audience wants to

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social media regulation
Social Media Regulation – Should we be doing more?

Amongst the Tiger Kings and Selling Sunsets that exploded onto our streaming services this year, Netflix’s illuminating documentary The Social Dilemma has sparked heated discussion throughout the digital sphere. The titans behind our most beloved social media platforms were given the floor and they used it to describe how the platforms they built are not the platforms we see before us today. It was positively Frankenstein-esque.  

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social media blog
Social Media: the Meteoric Rise

Social media has exploded into a supernova of popularity. With the average social media user spending roughly two and half hours per day across the various platforms, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to utilise this growing phenomenon.
So why has social media grown so much in popularity? And why should we care?

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Bobble Digital Blog headers 13
Bobble Pod – The Roundup

Well, in terms of the amount of spanners being thrown in the works at any one time, 2020 certainly wins the award. However we’re not a team to be kept down, so we weren’t going to let that kind of rain stop play here at Bobble Digital.
This month, we hosted our very first episode of Bobble Pod, our brand new podcast, as part of Leeds Digital Festival. It seemed like the perfect way for us to bring a panel of experts together and discuss the latest goings on in our industry.

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corporate social responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility – getting it right in 2020

Corporate, or brand social responsibility (CSR) isn’t a new idea. It’s actually a child of the  1950s and 60s and was designed to see what kind of impact companies have on society. Turns out, it’s a big one. CSR has evolved into a way of encouraging corporations both large and small to engage in responsible and ethical behaviour. Common causes have included climate change, sustainability and diversity. Some businesses go so far as to publish public pledges.

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5 ways to improve seo
5 ways to improve your SEO

SEO. Ah, the mysterious three letters. You’ve heard of it. You know you need it. But do you really understand it?  Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is the way that you alter the quality and quantity of traffic to your website. It’s how you improve your ranking in the search engine and ultimately increase the amount of organic visitors you receive. You know, when you Google your industry and your customers can find you? Yes, that.

Sounds good, right? Here, we’ll explore five simple ways you can improve your site’s SEO without spending a penny.

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social media lead generation campaigns
Social media – which channels are right for your lead generation campaigns?

When you put your brand out there on social media, you’d like to think that the end game will bring you a good result. When designing your content strategy, you need to be clear what your objectives are when it comes to your channels. What is it that you want people to do? Go to your website? Contact you? Do you have a shop you want them to browse? Identifying your optimal outcomes will help you decide where your social media work is best placed.

Let’s explore this some more.

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understand your audience
Understanding your audience – effective PPC targeting

When it comes to PPC, it’s vital that you know and understand your audience. If you don’t, it won’t matter how much money and expertise you throw at Pay Per click, there’s no point blowing your budget on wide reaching ads if they’re not being seen by the right people. The people who will convert into sales and paid business. It’s all about quality, not quantity.

There are a number of ways you can start funnelling your content to the right people. Then in turn drive more legitimate traffic to your site through your PPC efforts. Let’s take a closer look at what they are.

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more to ppc
There’s more to PPC than meets the eye – but what?

PPC (or pay per click) has become synonymous with online advertising. Companies pay for prime advertising space on search engines in a bid to drive traffic to their website. Ultimately, the aim is to convert browsers into buyers. Businesses who use PPC on a regular basis can draw useful insights about their customers from the accompanying analytics. It’s here that we can see just how much of a part PPC plays in turning that initial awareness of a brand into a conversion.

There are several routes to conversion that are aided directly by PPC. Here we’ll explore just a few.

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Google virtual business cards
Virtual business cards from Google – is this the future?

Anyone who’s ever read the 1991 novel (or seen the movie), ‘American Psycho’ will know the consideration and social standing that seemingly goes into a quality business card. In it, the central character and his colleagues compare their business cards and it plays a crucial part in distinguishing their hierarchy in the group. Fast forward 30 years and things are pretty different.

Our business cards are used as a fast transaction of information rather than a means to establish ourselves within our market.

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Google Ads Verification
Google Ads Verification – what does it mean?

Anyone who’s ever read the 1991 novel (or seen the movie), ‘American Psycho’ will know the consideration and social standing that seemingly goes into a quality business card. In it, the central character and his colleagues compare their business cards and it plays a crucial part in distinguishing their hierarchy in the group. Fast forward 30 years and things are pretty different.

Our business cards are used as a fast transaction of information rather than a means to establish ourselves within our market.

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Bobble Digital Blog header 17 Aug
The Importance of Quality Content.

If content was king before the Coronavirus, it’s now taken on a whole new mantle of importance. According to a recent report by Hubspot , 53% of marketers consider content to be a top priority.

There’s a reason for that. Not just one actually, there’s a plethora of reasons as to why quality content is held in such high regard. Here we take a look at why you need to make room in your budget for quality content.

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Digital Trends in Covid 19 1000x563 2
The Digital Strategy – Why You Need One.

As we enter the post-Covid era, the need for your business to have a digital strategy is clearer than ever.

A digital strategy is a tool that will set out the direction in which your business is going, how it’s going to get there and what your goals and objectives are. Here we explore why a digital strategy is so important, and why it might prove vital to your business survival.

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Bobble Digital Appointed Media Agency For Interface

Bobble Digital a Digital Marketing Agency in Leeds is delighted to announce strong growth in Q1 & Q2 of 2019, they have seen a handful on new client wins in 2019 which include Interface – the leader in Carpet Tiles and Luxury Carpet Tiles. They have also been appointed by Moola Rewards a student app along with HEJ International and Maycroft Lloyd Loom.

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It’s time to focus on Gen Z

Gen Z is getting older, which means they are beginning to enter the workforce and possess buying power. You might recall how marketers scrambled to understand millennial’s, so now is the time to pay attention to Gen Z.

It’s difficult to make monolithic statements about members of the second-youngest generation, but you should remember a few things:

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Podcast advertising an untapped opportunity

We have read a number of articles on podcast ads and the impact it is having on brands that are trying to get personal with their target audience, this encouraged us to review the fairly new medium to see what the fuss was all about and what are the opportunities. Podcasts have been having somewhat of a revival and burst on to the scene in 2014. This is no secret to advertisers, which in the US made a record $314m in revenue from podcasts in 2017.

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