Bobble Pod – The Roundup

Brand social responsibility and the pandemic.

Brand social responsibility is back on the agenda. But how has it changed during the Coronavirus roller coaster? We discussed this issue in more detail on a previous blog.

There have been a number of questions raised about how brands have approached their brand social responsibility since the start of the pandemic. Questions like; is brand social responsibility just a roundabout way of profiteering? Are smaller businesses being drowned out by the larger businesses? Or are we seeing the bigger brands supporting local business?

There was a lot to think about.

Sell your brand, not your product.

One thing was clear; those brands who have focused their energy on simply being present are the ones now reaping the benefits down the line. This might be in the form of supporting key workers with free products or flexible opening times, or through free educational content. Either way, it seems the general vibe is much more about who has shown up to help their customers when the heat has been on.

Innovate or be left behind.

Our panelists have seen a boom in enquiries as businesses use this unique period of time to buy an overdue ticket to ride the digital train. And while the nation was sitting at home on their smartphones, tablets and watching their TVs, who can blame them?

Look at the reaction of black cabs when Uber started showing up all over London. As Claire mentioned in the podcast, you can’t be cross when someone turns up with a better idea and the technological innovations to make it happen. You have to get with the times or get left behind.

The importance of authentic content.

During the pandemic, whether you were part of a small independent or a nationwide corporation, while we were all at home content creation was on a pretty level playing field. We saw a huge number of people creating off-the-cuff, raw content from their smartphones. At the time people were craving a human connection and that’s what they got.

And clearly it worked. Social media platforms saw a dramatic increase in users throughout the lockdown. The panel encouraged SMEs to take advantage of this audience growth as much as possible.

A great tip from Claire – ‘Don’t think too hard about the perfect content. Otherwise you’ll never start. Simply start documenting and see what comes to light.’

If you missed our first episode, grab yourself a cuppa and catch up. And remember, like and subscribe to Bobble Pod and don’t forget to tune in next time. Our panelists will be chatting all things social media, including the astronomic rise of the various platforms. It’s sure to be a good one.

Our panelists Claire Daniels (CEO of Trio Media), Keith Loveday (CEO of Loveday Media), Anus Mnatsakanyan (CEO of Burnwe) and Manpreet Singh (CEO of Bobble Digital) will be joining you once a month to dive into the latest news from the digital sphere.

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