The Importance of Quality Content.

It engages your audience…

Quality content is without a doubt one of the best ways to engage your audience. Whether you’re telling a story, providing information or making them laugh – content is a great medium through which to do it.

When you give your audience content they can draw tangible benefits from, their trust in you increases. Once the trust starts to build, your reputation becomes synonymous with reliability. Basically, quality content produces the most awesome of domino effects.

…And keeps them coming back

If you’re providing your audience with great content, they’ll come back time and again. Moreover, they’ll probably tell other people about how great you are, making the growth of your brand a foregone conclusion.


It makes you the industry leader

One of the most valuable things about quality content is that it enables you to answer questions before they’ve even been asked. If you’ve done your customer research, then knowing what your audience is thinking is nothing short of a marketing superpower.

Providing answers really helps when it comes to forging customer relationships. It’s like you’re on their wavelength. Quality content makes you the authority on your subject in the minds of your customers – why wouldn’t they come to you?


It puts your customers right where you want them

When potential leads visit your website, you’ve got approximately three seconds to grab their attention. And just like that, they’ve gone. That means that whatever they see when they get there has to to ace it.

The content you put out is like a metaphorical steering wheel. It allows you to guide prospective customers to exactly where you want them to be. Whether that’s to a superbly written blog, or the online checkout – it’s your call.


It’s great for SEO

The more relevant content you put out, the more visible you’ll be. And that’s fantastic for SEO. Add a tailored digital marketing strategy into the mix and Google won’t know what to do with itself. A word of caution though; search engines despise poor quality content. You won’t be rewarded with air time if you churn out dross – that’s just the way it is.

Whilst we’re on that…


Quality over quantity

Getting the balance right here is like walking a tightrope. Yes, the more content you have, the more people will see you. But if visibility comes at the expense of quality, then you need to go back to the drawing board.

Whilst the benefits of written content are numerous, it needs to be well thought out. It needs to relate to your target audience and be of benefit to them. Once you’ve cracked that, by all means post away as often as you like. 

There’s more to quality content than a selfie and a couple of hashtags. For it to result in conversions, your content has to be tailored to your audience and the platform you’re putting it out on for the world to see.

If you’re going to achieve this, investing in a digital marketing plan is a great place to start. That will allow you to research your audience, look at your competitors and identify the gaps in the market.

To find out how Bobble Digital can help you in your mission for quality content, contact us now.